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PRESS - The first auctions of Guarantees of Origin successfully held

On 29th August 2019, the first Guarantees of Origin Auction for electricity from incentivized producers (Q1/2019) was successfully held by CROPEX, selling a total of 263,889 Guarantees of Origin at a price of 0.31 EUR/GO.

The second auction (second quarter of 2019) took place on 30 August 2019, selling a total of 194,049 Guarantees of Origin at a price of 0.91 EUR/GO.

For the first Guarantees of Origin Auction held on CROPEX trading platform, a total of 11 auction participants were registered, of which 9 participants actively participated in the auction, who submitted bids for the purchase of GOs in the Auction system. The total number of active participants in the second auction was 7.

The funds from the sale of GOs will be transferred to the incentive system fund of HROTE.
HROTE is among the first three EU Member States to launch guarantees of origin in favor of an incentive system.

Auction Details:
Type: Wind
Date: August 29, 2019 (10:00 -12:00)
Auction name: Production from Q1/2019 (1.1.2019 – 31.3.2019)
Total amount of Guarantees of Origin offered: 263,889

Total number of active participants: 9
Total auctioned amount: 263,889
Minimum - maximum price from offers: 0.30 EUR/GO - 0.40 EUR/GO
Marginal Price: 0.31 EUR/GO

Auction Details:
Type: wind
Date: August 30, 2019, 10am - 12pm
Auction name: Production from Q2 / 2019 (1.4.2019 - 30.6.2019)
Total amount of guarantees of origin offered: 194.049

Total active bidders: 7
Total auctioned amount: 194,049
Minimum - maximum price from offers: 0.30 EUR/GO - 1.20 EUR/GO
Marginal Price: 0.91 EUR/GO


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