30.3.2022. On the basis of the State Aid Programme approved by the European Commission HROTE has issued a public call for tenders to encourage the production of electricity from the RES through a market premium system. Market premium is an incentive system in which HROTE pays a market premium, i.e. the difference between the contracted price and the market price of electricity. The total quota for new projects is 630 MW, which is about 60% of the current portfolio in the incentive system run by HROTE.
The public call is aimed to support the following RES technologies:
• Solar power plants larger than 500 kW
• Hydroelectric power plants of more than 500 kW and up to 10 MW
• Wind farms larger than 3 MW
• Biomass power plants larger than 500 kW and up to 5 MW
• Biogas power plants larger than 500 kW and up to 2 MW
• Geothermal power plants larger than 500 kW
The public call lays down the conditions that projects must meet in order to be able to submit an offer and lasts 60 days after which the public tender will be launched for 15 days when bids can be submitted.
The public tender will be open exclusively for new projects, regarding the technology, for 300 MW of wind and solar, 8 MW each for biomass and biogas, 4 MW for small hydroelectric power plants and 10 MW for geothermal power plants. RES projects using innovative technologies whose development is financed by EU funds for innovation project may also participate in accordance with the prescribed conditions. The public tender may be attended by project promoters who have previously obtained a location or building permit, energy permission permit and grid connection terms. Based on the conducted public tender, HROTE announces a decision on the selection of the most acceptable tenderers, which is based on the most favorable offered project price until the quota for individual technology is filled in. A market premium contract will be concluded with the project holders whose bids are rated as a winner for 12 years (after the project commission data). The production plant should be built in 4 years, when the project developer should pass the trial period of connection and obtain the status of a eligible producer. If all quotas from this public call are fulfilled and the plants are realized, the Republic of Croatia would hereby have about 1.5 TWh per year of new renewable energy.
- Who are presently existing electricity suppliers in the Republic of Croatia?
- What are the conditions and the price of electricity supply for eligible customer in Croatia?
- What is EIC code?
- Where can EIC code be obtained?
- What are the steps to be taken in order to realize a project of a solar power plant?
- Could purchased electricity produced from RESCO be considered as electricity trade?