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Eligible producer

An eligible producer  is an energy entity and / or other legal entity or natural person that produces electricity from renewable energy sources or in an individual generation facility simultaneously produces electricity and heat in a highly efficient manner, uses waste or renewable energy sources in an economically appropriate manner that is harmonized with environmental protection, which has acquired the status of a privileged producer of electricity in accordance with the Law on renewables and high-efficient cogeneration (Official Gazette 111/2018


  • concludes a contract  on the purchase of electricity with a guaranteed purchase price with the project holder at the purchase price achieved by the project holder in the tender referred to in Article 34. with the Law on renewables and high-efficient cogeneration ( Official Gazette 111/2018),and market premium incentives or the amount of money Croatian energy market operator pays to generating plan tor generating unit into the electricity network in accordance with Article 30. with the with the Law on renewables and high-efficient cogeneration ( Official Gazette 111/2018).
  • enters into contracts with all the suppliers in order to implement Ordinance on a Minimal Share of Incentivized Electricity Production from Renewable Energy Sources and Cogeneration,
  • collects from suppliers the income regarding incentive fee for electricity production from renewable energy sources and cogeneration,
  • collects from suppliers the income regarding buyback electricity production from renewable energy sources and cogeneration,
  • settles and allocates the incentive price to eligible producers in accordance with concluded contracts.
The collected fees are used by CROATIAN ENERGY MARKET OPERATOR for payment of incentive price to eligible producers for electricity delivered to the power system, in compliance with:

An eligible producer, was able to acquire the right  to an incentive price form the tariff system on the basis of which he concluded a contract for the purchase of electricity with CROATIAN ENERGY MARKET OPERATOR.
The right to enter into an electricity purchase agreement and the right to a guaranteed purchase price and market premiums in accordance with Article 35 and Article 30 with the Law on renewable energy sources and high efficiency cogeneration (Official Gazette 111/18) ,and Article 16 and Article 17 of the Ordinance of incentive regulation are exercised by project promoters  selected as the most favorable bidders in a public tender prepared and conducted by the electricity market operator at least once a year, by public bidding in case of availability of incentive quotas and enables the conclusion of a market premium contract with the electricity market operator.

Croatian Transmission System Operator (CTSO) and HEP–Distribution System Operator  are obliged to  take over  its total produced  electricity from any eligible producer.
The energy entity responsible for electricity supply shall off-take a minimal share of electricity generated by incentivized eligible producers in accordance with the conditions prescribed in the sublaws  Ordinance on the share in the net supplied electricity of eligible producers which electricity suppliers are obliged to take over from the electricity market operator
(Official Gazette No. 119/2019).
The status of a eligible producer is acquired on the basis of a decision of the Croatian Energy Regulatory Agency issued on the basis of a request from an electricity entity or other legal or natural person for a generation plant that meets the requirements of the with the Law on renewable energy sources and high efficiency cogeneration (Official Gazette 111/18),  (Official Gazette 111/18)


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